Conditions for registration:

In Belgium, the title of psychologist has been legally protected since 1993 and it is necessary to be registered on the list of the Commission of Psychologists in order to hold this title. This also applies to compound titles such as clinical psychologist, work psychologist, neuropsychologist, etc.

To be registered with the Commission of Psychologists and hold the title of psychologist, you must meet various conditions and submit certain documents, depending on the country in which you obtained your degree. The conditions are laid down in the Law of 08 November 1993 protecting the title of psychologist for Belgian diplomas and in European Parliament Directive 2005/36/CE for foreign diplomas.

The purpose of this page is to help you determine your eligibility for the title of psychologist in Belgium and to guide you through the documents required to submit your application for registration on the list of psychologists.

Please note that the required documents must be submitted in one of the following four languages: French, Dutch, German or English. If your documents are not in one of these languages, please have them translated by a sworn translator.

1. Belgian Degrees:

If you hold a master's, licence or PhD in psychology from a Belgian university, you can apply directly with your diploma or a certificate of successful completion of your master's degree (transcripts of points/notes are not accepted).

Previous titles of diplomas can also allow you to register, but these special cases are becoming less and less common. However, if you are in this situation, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to with a copy of your diploma.


2. EU-degrees + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein:

If your diploma is from a member country of the European Union (as well as Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein), there are various conditions, depending on whether the profession of psychologist is regulated there or not in this country.

Please note that in some countries, only certain sectors of psychology may be regulated. 

To find out whether the profession is regulated in the country where your diploma was issued, you can consult the website of the database of regulated professions (


  • The profession is regulated :

Under Article 13.1 of EU Directive 2005/36/CE, if the profession of psychologist or one of its sectors is regulated in the country in which you obtained your diploma and you have been recognised by the competent authority, you may apply for registration by providing us with proof of recognition from that authority and a copy of your diploma.

If you have not been recognised or cannot apply for it, you will need to obtain an equivalence certificate of your diploma from a Belgian NARIC centre, together with a copy of your diploma, in order to register.


  • The profession is not regulated :

Under article 13.1 of EU Directive 2005/36/CE, if the profession of psychologist or one of its sectors is not regulated, you must apply to a Belgian NARIC centre for an equivalence of your diploma. Once you have obtained this equivalence, you can submit your application for registration by providing us with the certificate issued by NARIC and a copy of your diploma.




3. Non-EU degrees:

If you have a diploma from a country that is not a member of the European Union (+ Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein), you must apply to a Belgian NARIC centre for equivalence of your diploma.

Once you have obtained this equivalence, you can apply for registration by providing us with this certificate and a copy of your diploma.



Does your situation not fall into one of these categories, or do you have any further questions ?

Contact us by e-mail at or by telephone during our office hours.



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Particularity: the practice of clinical psychology

Although the title of psychologist is protected in Belgium, the same applies to the practice of clinical psychology (and psychotherapy).

According to the 2015 law on the practice of health care professions, the practice of clinical psychology is protected. This implies that according to the legal framework, certain competences and practices are reserved for recognised clinical psychologists. In order to enter the profession, it is necessary to apply for a visa and an agreement.

For the "clinical psychologist" visa and any questions regarding the procedure for obtaining it, please contact the FPS Public Health. Applications for agreement are processed by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles for Wallonia and Brussels (FR), by the Agentschap zorg en gezondheid for Flanders and Brussels (NL) and by the Ministry of the German-speaking Community - Department of Health for the German-speaking Community (DE).

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